Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Shweiki Media Printing Company Presents a Must-Watch Webinar on Strategies for Time Management and How Small Changes Can Improve a Salesperson's Efficiency and Sales
An important but oft overlooked factor in the sales process, proper time management, is crucial for maximizing a salesperson's efficiency, focus and overall sales--when, that is, it's done right and catered to each individual's unique strengths and weaknesses. Here, Shweiki Media and Ryan Dohrn of Brain Swell Media have joined forces to present a webinar revealing effective time management strategies and explaining how each salesperson can benefit from using their time the right way, increasing both their sales and the company's overall revenue.

A great way to boost sales is ensuring that each salesperson utilizes time management by adapting a specific work process that works best for them as individuals

Austin, TX May 01, 2013
In this free webinar, Shweiki Media joins forces with Ryan Dohrn of Brain Swell Media to present strategies for time management in sales, explaining certain, clear-cut ways salespeople can be more productive at work and, therefore, close more sales.
The first step in boosting one’s productivity is creating a disciplined work process, as when salespeople go into work without a plan, efficiency takes a hit. It’s important to stop being random and, instead, build a plan for the next workday before leaving to go home. With a strategy in place, one can walk into work the next morning fresh, prepared and focused solely on execution.
It’s important to note that work-process plans aren't universal. Salespeople should take an unbiased look at themselves and their habits and devise a plan that symbiotically works with their strengths and combats their weaknesses. For instance, if one feels more energized in the morning than later in the day, they should plan on starting their day with the most grueling work (and vice versa). As obvious as this strategy seems, many salespeople don't plan their day around their strengths, which often results in them losing productivity by working different projects at random times (which is the leading cause of lost sales).
The most influential measure of sales efficiency is the daily use of a CRM (customer relationship management) tool. With the use of a CRM, one can chart their calls, keep track of clients, and write in notes about past calls. In short, a CRM is a salesperson's online secretary, adding a level of sophistication and organization that only the digital age can provide.
Shweiki Media's mission has always been to help publishers improve by providing the most profitable, hassle-free printing experience possible. This includes guaranteeing the highest quality product, exceptional customer service and on-time delivery.
As a printer and publisher, Shweiki Media also believes that this hassle-free experience includes making their clients better. Utilizing relationships with industry experts, Shweiki Media strives to educate clients and help them thrive in the exciting world of publishing--while having lots of fun along the way!
For more great info from and about Shweiki Media and their magazine printing services (along with postcard printing, flyer printing and more)s, please check out shweiki.com, follow us @ShweikiMedia and "like" us at Facebook.com/shweikimedia.