Thursday, June 13, 2013
Content Marketing Usurps Traditional SEO Practices
Think Big Online agrees with Jonathan Piggins that companies can no longer optimize their online properties without focusing on quality content.
Sydney, Australia June 13, 2013
The sweeping algorithm changes made by Google completely nullified years of hard SEO work put in thousands of companies that lost their rankings in a matter of days. Now according to a recent report in the Guardian by Jonathan Piggins, Google’s love affair with content marketing has caused to almost, if not completely, part ways with traditional SEO practices.
Think Big Online, Australia’s leading SEO Company, has long supported the cause of quality content on the Internet and completely agrees with Jonathan’s views that SEO is no longer a practice which can be carried out without quality content.
For any media campaign to yield real and sustainable results, one needs to focus creating on high quality content. Samuel Junghenn, a highly respected SEO consultant and the founder of Think Big Online, cites the example of New York Times selling its once profitable venture About.com at a major loss, to further buttress Jonathan’s views that webmasters can no longer afford to upload keyword rich fluff on their sites and hope to one day make it to the top of the Search Engine Ladder.
It was Google supported economy, which the search engine has done away with. Samuel explains, “Content mills thrived for a decade and their demise can be described as the end of an era – the era of sub-par content, which was giving online journalism a poor name. As search engines continue to become smarter, websites that fail to deliver in terms of quality content won’t be able to maintain their search rankings for long.”
Jonathan argued in his article that in order keep in line with the Penguin and promote one’s website ethically, companies would need to move beyond the old strategy of uploading rehashed content and focus on writing quality content whose efficacy can be quantitatively measured by effective social signals.
Samuel elaborates, “Articles posted by content mills rarely attract any likes on Facebook or retweets on Twitter. That sends a strong signal to Google about the innate worthlessness of that content. So no matter how many backlinks one generates through questionable SEO practices, without these genuine social signals, your article won’t make it big on search results.”
So are SEO Companies really worth the money? Samuel explains this all too common predicament with the help of an analogy. Even Stephen King needs his publisher and a PR team to pull out the big guns to ensure record breaking sales. That’s what SEO companies do for you online. They help you focus on ‘your best seller,’ while they promote it for you.
About Think Big Online
Located in Sydney, Australia Think Big Online has been helping Webmasters and Businesses by coming up with unique strategies to promote their products and services on the Internet.