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Thursday, January 26, 2012

SEO Amplified Introduces Risk Free, Pay for Ranking Local SEO Services

Search engine optimization (SEO) is perhaps the most important factor for small businesses marketing themselves on the Web today. However, according to SEO Amplified, trying to find quality, affordable help with small business SEO has also been one of the most frustrating and challenging parts of advertising on the Web. In response, SEO Amplified has launched a service which aims to simplify the service for small businesses.

Quote startWhat our clients seem to be the most impressed with is the fact that we are willing to actually provide these results before charging them a penny.Quote end

Indianapolis, IN January 26, 2012

Search engine optimization (SEO) is perhaps the most important factor for small businesses marketing themselves on the Web today. Unfortunately, according to SEO Amplified, trying to find quality, affordable help withlocal SEO has also been one of the most frustrating and challenging parts of advertising on the Web. In response,SEO Amplified has launched a service which aims to simplify SEO strategies for small businesses.

No business, whether purely Web-based or a local brick and mortar retailer, can afford not to be found online today. According to a Morgan Stanley report, mobile Internet usage is anticipated to surpass that of desktops in the next 18 months, and consumers are increasingly relying on mobile devices for deciding where to shop, as suggested by a report on One example can be found by checking out sales of Amazon's Kindle Fire in the weeks leading up to the December holidays and the increase in advertising impressions, which continues to outpace those of the first Apple iPad, according to

“If businesses aren't in the palm of consumers at the moment they are ready to buy they may as well not exist,” notes SEO Amplified operations manager, Josh Spaulding, “making local business SEO a top priority for all small and medium enterprises (SMEs). However, knowing that a business needs top place rankings on Google, Yahoo! and Bing is one thing. Actually getting there can have business owners feel like they are starring in another Mission Impossible sequel.”

“Sadly, while the Web has become an informational treasure trove and incredibly effective marketing channel for entrepreneurs there is so much misinformation and junk floating around that attempts at DIY small business SEO are normally doomed from the start. For those ready to enlist help with their small business SEO it seems to be a virtual mine field or giant roulette wheel,” continues Spaulding. “Land on black and you end up with a time waster promising huge results for a couple hundred dollars, which normally ends up a worse investment than buying a home at the top of the market in 2005. Land on red and you can pay tens of thousands of dollars and have to wait many months to see results, while competitors are already cashing in on customers.”

SEO Amplified is on a mission, offering risk free performance-based small business SEO strategies. The goal is to make SEO affordable and simple for everyone. “In a nutshell, you don't pay unless you rank. There is no forking over thousands to wait and see if you get results. If we can get a business top Google rankings results, then the business pays a small fee. If not, then they don't pay anything,” says Spaulding. “This is a win-win for both our SEO experts, who are confident in our ability to produce results, and for business owners who desperately need help but who are tired of being taken advantage of.”

Spaulding sums up SEO Amplified’s service by noting, “What our clients seem to be the most impressed with, aside from the increased business their top rankings generate, is the fact that we are willing to actually provide these results before charging them a penny. Previously in the SEO world, risk-free, performance-based SEO was simply unheard of. Business owners had to just gamble."

Still, no business owner has time to gamble with their time today either. So in addition to the testimonials and examples found on the company's website at, Spaulding also provides references to some sites they have recently helped gain top Google rankings based on the terms 'Indianapolis Plumber' and 'Germany Tourism'. According to Spaulding, this is no small feat considering how generic they are and the large amount of competition. “In fact the second term beat out Wikipedia, TripAdvisor and the Official Tourism Website of Germany,” states Spaulding.