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Thursday, March 15, 2012

5 Travel Scams Every Traveler Should Watch Out for This Summer

“Distracted travelers” make easy targets. Lets Fly Cheaper’s series on all-too-common travel scams continues with a focus on scams targeting tourists’ luggage and cash.

Quote startDistracted traveling is an “accident” waiting to happen. Thieves strike when you’re not paying attention. So the best way to hang onto your belongings is to keep your wits about you at all timesQuote end

Fremont, CA (PRWEB)

We all know the hazards of distracted driving, but what about distracted traveling? Tourists who don’t pay attention to their surroundings are not (typically) in danger of getting a ticket, but they may well pay a “fine” by losing their luggage, their money, or both. Discount travel expert Lets Fly Cheaper (LFC) that is specialized in cheap business class flights has compiled a database of the most “popular” travel scams being perpetrated in the US and abroad. As part of its mission to help the public travel smarter as well as cheaper, LFC is publishing the worst scams. The common elements in today’s scams-to-avoid-by-remaining-alert are luggage and cash.

Scam #1: Vegas Cabbies in a Hurry with Your Bags
People go to Vegas to gamble. But far too often, they’re rolling the dice with their luggage before even setting foot in a casino. Sin City's cabdrivers may appear to be friendly and helpful. But they’re notorious for stealing luggage. One common Las Vegas scam involves the cabbie who insists on unloading your bags, either at your hotel or the airport. He says he's in a rush. You’re distracted with the grandeur of the hotel, or counting your change from the cab ride, or otherwise simply not paying attention. Before you know it, the cabbie slams the trunk and speeds away. As he squeals the tires onto the strip, you notice – too late – that one of your bags is missing.

Solution: Note the cabdriver's name, cab number and company when you get in. That way, if anything should happen, you have recourse.

Scam #2: The Trojan Horse Hollow Bag Grab
Tour guide Ann Lombardi of the Trip Chicks recently watched a schemer in the Frankfurt Germany train station perform the classic “hollow suitcase with rollers and frame trick,” which Lombardi says works thusly: “A distracted tourist takes his eyes off his bag for just a second. Behind the tourist lurks a guy with an enormous suitcase. In a flash, the thief lifts the enormous hollow luggage, puts it over the tourist's bag, and calmly wheels away the Trojan Horse with his prized catch inside.”

But this is hardly the most common way thieves can make off with travelers’ luggage. That’s done with the old fashioned snatch & grab. There’s a reason airports and train stations post signs advising travelers to keep close tabs on their belongings.

Solution: Avoid such schemers by always protecting your luggage between your legs while in crowded transportation areas.

Scam #3: The Slow Count and Other Money Changing "Errors"
Most tourists are unfamiliar and even uncomfortable with foreign currency. Even those who pride themselves on being good with money can get flustered by local currency conversion. And guess what: local con artists use your lack of confidence to their own advantage!

For example, as soon as you arrive at your travel destination, you'll want to change your money over to the local currency. You may notice people on the street or in the airport offering excellent conversion rates –- much better than the hotel or local bureau. Often these black market exchanges will leave you with a pile of fake money or a bunch of newspaper wedged between two actual pieces of money.

Solution: To avoid falling victim to local money schemes, learn what the currency in the city you're visiting looks like. Exchange money at authorized centers only. Reduce your risk by not paying with large bills. Pay attention to the money you hand to the cabbie/cashier/vendor and count your change carefully. Pay with small bills and/or exact change.

Scam 4: The Good Samaritan Technical Advisor
The machine dispensing train tickets is unfamiliar, but you’re determined to figure it out. As you puzzle and fret, a kindly stranger appears out of nowhere, offering assistance. Be careful!
Scam artists stake out ticket machines and ATMs all over the world. Out of the blue they appear, like technical angels, to give you the benefit of their local gadgetry experience. But what they're really after is your pin code, which they will use to clean out your account. Or perhaps they simply watch where you stash your ATM cash so they can pickpocket you later. Ticket machine artists practice sleight-of-hand and exchange your first-class tickets for something less than what you purchased.

Solution: Be wary of unsolicited assistance and guard your transaction from prying eyes.
If you have trouble understanding the ATM or ticket machine itself, or if a stranger tries to help you, go inside the facility (bank or station) and conduct your business at the window rather than through a machine, if possible.

Scam 5: Tea for Two… Hundred Dollars?
This scam comes in many disguises around the world. Our Chinese tea house version takes place at Tiananmen Square in Beijing. Here’s how it works: You are chatted up by two sweet looking young ladies who claim to be studying English. They ask if you have some time to chat so they can practice their language skills. Sure, why not? The young beauties will coyly suggest some tea and take you to a traditional Chinese tea house. This is done oh-so discreetly and subtly, making you believe you might actually have picked the place yourself. At the end, you might offer to pay for the tea. More likely, you’ll find the girls are gone when the bill appears. In any case, the tea turns out to be extremely expensive –- anywhere from $75 to $200. And yes, the girls are in on this, no matter how cute and friendly they might appear.

Solution: Decline any offer from anyone approaching you around Tiananmen or Wangfujing. Nipping it in the bud is the best way to avoid this scam. Insisting on seeing a printed menu with posted food/beverage prices up front is another safeguard. But if do find yourself confronting an outrageous bill, the best thing to do is scoff, laugh, and threaten to call the police. Modesty and politeness will only make things worse.

Lets Fly Cheaper together with Easy Business Class plans to regularly publish advice to travelers on how to avoid travel scams. For more handy information for the business traveler please go to or