| | WEBINARS Nonprofits Learn How To Mine LinkedIn's GoldThere's gold in that LinkedIn database. Does your nonprofit know how to mine it? In this free online panel find out how to mine LinkedIn's database for donors, board members, and ideas. Get answers to your questions. The Power of Women Entrepreneurs
Women's gender-based skills can help them succeed in business, if they use them right. Find out how. The FREE webinar will be instructed by Jean Brittingham, founder of SmartGirls Way. Monday, April 2, 2012 2-3pm ET. Register here.
RECENT BLOG POSTS Women: 5 Ways to Supersize Your Business Find out the five ways business has to change so women entrepreneurs can make it to the big leagues.  "Outside the Box" Marketing Reaps Big Rewards on a Small Budget Businesses and nonprofits are the perfect bedfellows. Learn how two organizations benefited from their mutual collaboration. 
Good Service Not Only Makes Money, It Saves Money Thinking about what makes customers tick could lower costs while increasing customer satisfaction. How is that possible? Micro-Credit Sector Scandal Reinforces Need for Impact Investment Standards Impact investment can bring critical services to the most vulnerable and under-served. How can that vulnerability be protected from exploitation? Increasing the Financing for Women-Led Businesses Investing in social enterprises can give philanthropists a new way to make the world better. Find out how women philanthropists learned how to become angel investors. For other Vistas articles, visit our archive. |
PROMOTIONAL PARTNERS Does the Government Want to Buy What You Have to Sell? In a free one-hour web tutorial, Doña Storey, the American Express OPEN Advisor on Procurement, will help business owners learn how to determine if the federal government buys the products or services you offer. The tutorial, on Wednesday, March 7, is part of Give Me 5, a national program created by American Express OPEN and WIPP to help women business owners get a leg up on selling to the world's largest customer: the U.S. government.
Give Me 5 106 - Does the Government Buy What I Sell Date: Wednesday, March 7, 2012 Time: 3 PM ET/12 PM PT Where: Virtual ****************************************************************************** How to Grow Your Business Through Collaboration There's strength in numbers for small businesses looking for government contracts. Contractors surveyed by American Express OPEN found that businesses who engage in teaming - the act of partnering with other businesses - win 50 percent more contracts than active contractors overall. Learn the benefits of teaming, types of collaborative arrangements, partner selection processes, and how to execute successful teaming relationships, in a free webinar hosted by NYC Teaming onWednesday, March 14 from 12n to 1pm ET. The webinar will offer a hands-on perspective of the teaming process and provide real-life scenarios to work through. |
VENTURENEER'S LIBRARY OF ON-DEMAND VCOURSES If you just couldn't fit our in-depth, virtual courses into your schedule on the days they ran "live," we now offer on-demand viewing from our vcourse archive. Sign up and take the class any time and any where that's convenient for you. |
Social Media for Values Driven Companies a one-stop, continually updated central resource about social media as they are used by nonprofits, which is sometimes different than the way for-profits use them. Ramp up their social media effortsVentureneer's new, free ebook, Social Media for Your Nonprofit: Take Charge!. Also don't forget to check out our survey report,Nonprofits and Social Media: It Ain't Optional. Putting the Power of LinkedIn to Use for Your Nonprofits
Nonprofits learn how to use LinkedIn's powerful search capability to find donors, board members, staff and more.
25 Best Social Media for Social Good Blogs
This is a list of blogs we think you should turn to first for answers about how to use social media for social good. |
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