eRocketFuel Social Media Marketing Thursday, 29 March 2012
If you have been following Facebook this past month, you've probably seen all the news on Facebook Page Timelines. The deadline is March 30 at 11am PT. That's uh… tomorrow. So have you changed it yet? I imagine it will take some time for it to trickle through 850 million accounts. And, if you have not changed it yet, don't fret.
We're going to outline the steps you need to take in order to make this happen in an emergency webinar this Friday. Register below.
==> register/758225922<==
Outside of the graphical changes/sizes and wall posts/tabs rules - there's really not that much of a change - or is there?
The big questions on Facebook still comes down to: 1. How do I acquire more fans? 2. How do I convince them our our value? 3. Is engagement that important? 4. How do I convert fans into members/subscribers/revenue? Join us Friday at 1pm EST and we'll also share with you how we took an Association up to 12,000 targeted Facebook fans in less than a year! And they are now at 15,000 flying with momentum. And we'll cover all the intracacies of updating your Facebook page live on the call.
This is a hot webinar that you can't miss. And we'll be giving away some killer prizes.Reserve your seat now - they will fill up fast. We'll see you tomorrow. ==> register/758225922<==
Facebook Marketing Book I wrote the book on Facebook marketing. In it, I cover not only what Facebook’s marketing tools are and how to use them, but why to use them, when to use them, how to make the most of them and how to integrate them into an overall marketing strategy. Learn more
Have a Rock'n Day.
-- John |