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Monday, April 2, 2012

Prestige Marketing Inc. Assists Businesses to Create User-friendly Websites

A website usability analysis serves several distinct functions that will be of use to businesses of any size. The services offered by Prestige Marketing are designed to inform companies about the types of individuals that are finding their website.

VANCOUVER, British Colombia April 02, 2012

Prestige Marketing Inc., an expert in internet marketing, is now offering a website analysis service to assist online businesses improve the usability of their sites. A website usability analysis serves several distinct functions that will be of use to businesses of any size. The services offered by Prestige Marketing are designed to inform companies about the types of individuals that are finding their website. They are also able to determine which pages on a website are proving the most popular and in what other ways, besides page visits, customers are using the site. For some businesses, however, the most useful information of all is data demonstrating to what extent customers are making return visits.

The information Prestige Marketing provides to businesses regarding the findings from a website usability study proves useful in a number of different ways. Prestige will be able to pinpoint any navigation issues that are posing challenges to users, such as search functions that miss more than they find or hyperlinks that direct users to pages other than the one intended. Another issue can be the text used for hyperlinks. Reading such text from the point of view of the visitor can often provide illuminating information, since some business websites, even professionally designed ones, offer their visitors descriptions that are either too vague or too specific. Hitting the right balance of specificity can be almost an art form, requiring highly skilled online marketing specialists, such as those at Prestige Marketing.

Prestige Marketing can also identify when the issue that might be weakening the impact of a website is overall concept and design, rather than navigation. Most company websites have at least some strong features, however, Prestige Marketing can help business owners and managers to determine which elements are serving their intended purpose, so that they are retained in any redesign. Elements that make a website memorable, for example, can be identified during an analysis, but a thorough review of the website may also suggest ways in which even weaker elements might be strengthened.

One goal of a website usability analysis is to determine what parts of the site are causing visitors to leave when they do. It is in the best interests of businesses, of course, to encourage online visitors to stay as long as possible. Whether they will do so or not can actually depend, to a large degree, on how well the website conforms to their general expectations for a commercial site. Visiting hundreds or even thousands of websites over the course of many years has “trained” consumers to expect certain elements to be located in certain places. If they do not find elements where they expect them to be, they may experience a sense of unfamiliarity and alienation that subconsciously drives them away. A search box, for example, is very rarely located at the bottom of a page and almost never so far at the bottom that a user would have to scroll down to find it.

By using the information derived from a website usability analysis, a company can take proactive steps to improve its online presence. For more information about how Prestige Analysis is able to assist any company, whatever its size, please visit the website.