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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

3 Headline Tips for Hooking Search Engines

PRWeb : The Connection
3 Headline Tips for Hooking Search Engines
Your headline is one of the most important parts of your news release. It grabs readers and gets them to keep reading. In the age of online news releases, your headline also needs to grab the attention of the search engines which sort and rank your news. A good headline boosts your chances of showing up at the top of a search page when customers (or bloggers, reporters and industry pundits) look for products or services like yours.

Search Engines

PRWeb's online news releases already help you get noticed by search engines, but you can get even better results by creating a killer, search-engine-friendly headline. Here are The Connection's top three tips for hooking search engines.
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Find your keyword and use it.
Select a relevant, highly searched term or phrase to be the primary keyword for your news release. Keywords are the terms your target audience uses when searching for information/products/services online, so you want to find the best keyword for your release, and include it in your headline. For example, a press release about a furniture manufacturer might use the keyword(s) "wood manufacturing". Searches for that term are high, while competition from other companies is lower compared to more generic terms like "furniture manufacturing." Click here for more on how to select a primary keyword.
Be specific.
A headline that accurately summarizes the content of the news release does more than tell readers what to expect. Search engines will rank a piece more highly if it sees the headline matches the content. Use specific descriptors—"oak wood manufacturing" rather than just "wood manufacturing" and skip flowery adjectives or hyperbole such as "best ornate artisan manufacturer."
Remove unnecessary words.
Extra words confuse search engines. Articles and prepositions such as "a" and "of" are considered "stop words": avoid them in titles unless grammatically necessary, as natural phrasing is important for both readers and search engines alike. Replace a wordy phrase like "Oak wood manufacturing company Red Acorn has been selected for recognition of outstanding design by Craftsman Society of Vermont" with a concise phrase like "Oak Wood Manufacturing Company Red Acorn Named Top Designer." Remember to include additional, specific details—such as "Family-Owned Company Snags Top Honors at 2012 Craftsman Society Awards"—in the sub-head of your headline.

Good headlines keep readers AND search engines interested, enabling your business to be discovered by more customers. Only when you know your primary keyword, have a good,specific headline and have removed unnecessary words are you ready to move on to the rest of the release.