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Friday, July 13, 2012

Get Dan Poynter's new book on Research & Writing, FREE on July 13 & 14.

Get Dan Poynter's new book on Research & Writing, FREE on July 13 & 14.

Writing Your Book:
Cashing in on Publishing, Faster, Easier, & Cheaper.
by Dan Poynter

What should you write about and how should you write it?
Discover the resources to research your market, title, and information sources. Then follow the steps for writing your book. A superb, easy, and fun guide.
Essential recommendations for fiction, non fiction, ebooks and printed books.

You can get the Kindle edition FREE.
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Download the book free on one day:
Friday, July 13 & Saturday, July 14, from midnight to midnight, Pacific time.
Log on to the Amazon page for this book and you will note that your price on Friday & Saturday is $0.00

Any time Friday or Saturday, log on to
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Reference\Book Writing

Write Today—Earn Tomorrow

New equipment and advanced techniques make writing a book faster, easier, and cheaper.

You will discover:

--What fiction and nonfiction subjects are in demand.

--How large is your potential reading market
--Where to find the information for your book
--How and where to sell your book online
--Organizational steps that make writing your book quick, easy, and fun.

“Dan Poynter is the top coach for writing, publishing and, most important, promoting.”
—John Tullius, Director, Maui Writers Conference.

“One essential ingredient to our Chicken Soup success was consulting with Dan Poynter in the early stages.”
—Jack Canfield, co-author,
Chicken Soup for the Soul series.

“Dan Poynter has generously guided thousands to authorship. Their books make this a better world.”
—Dr. Robert Müller,
Author & Past Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations.

Dan Poynter is the author of more than 130 books. His seminars have been featured on CNN, his books have been pictured in The Wall Street Journal, and his story has been told in The New York Times. He is the leading authority on how to write, publish, and promote books.

This ebook provides the shortcut to becoming a published author.

54 jam-packed pages
ISBN Ebook Edition: 978-1-56860-154-0
ASIN: B007VP66Z0

BTW, I am testing KDP Select Freebie Day.
You can help me gain experience, figures, and even some money, by downloading this free book on writing books.
The above is the pitch I am testing.

Get your free copy on Friday or Saturday (only).