Friday, November 23, 2012
James T Noble Small Business Marketing Authority Releases New Guide Containing Important Information For Entrepreneurs
Business growth authority James Noble announced the publication of his new guide for entrepreneurs and small business owners today. The guide uses a unique and entertaining perspective as a platform to inform entrepreneurs of fundamental factors affecting how they run their enterprises. Mr Noble’s guide addresses chief factors businesses should have in place in order to maximise their potential. The guide is available now here:
James T Noble
November 23, 2012
Business growth authority James Noble announced the publication of his new guide for entrepreneurs and small business owners today. The guide uses a unique and entertaining perspective as a platform to inform entrepreneurs of fundamental factors affecting how they run their enterprises. Mr Noble’s guide addresses chief factors businesses should have in place in order to maximise their potential. The guide is available now here:
The guide’s unusual approach uses the dog as a metaphor for a successful entrepreneur. It explores key canine attributes that entrepreneurs and small business owners can learn from to improve their working attitudes and ethics, and to benefit their enterprises as a whole. When asked why he chose to present the guide in this way, James Noblecommented:
“The qualities and attitudes that dogs possess are a great metaphor that can be successfully applied to entrepreneurial business.” He went on to add “I chose to present the guide in this way because I feel it makes the valuable information contained in the guide very easy to relate to, and I want fellow entrepreneurs to be able to easily reap the full benefits.”
Included in the guide are ten chief fundamentals of businesses designed to benefit entrepreneurs and small business owners. These fundamentals are easy actionable points that can be incorporated without difficulty into most enterprises. They demonstrate how entrepreneurs can benefit from altering their attitudes and approach to business in accordance with the guide content. James explained:
“These are core factors I have learnt through over ten years experience in marketing” he said. “I fully understand how difficult it is to make it as an entrepreneur, but I believe that by underpinning a business based on these principles is a big step towards longevity and success for small business.”
The guide contains clear and simple advice and information designed to keep small businesses and entrepreneurs informed and offer them support and guidance. It is part of James Noble’s ongoing mission to support small businesses, start-ups and entrepreneurs. The resource is a complement to the other resources, services and support James Noble offers to enterprises. James had these final words to say:
“Implementing these fundamental factors can have a huge impact on the businesses of entrepreneurs, and make them happier and more productive in the process too.”
About James T Noble
James T Noble has helped some of the world’s largest brands and companies market their products and services online, including Virgin, Walt Disney Corporation, Coca Cola, Paramount Pictures and many others.
James lives in the UK and works with small business owners worldwide to accelerate their growth through effective online marketing. Visit the James T Noble website for more information and to get in touch with James.
About is a small business blog owned by business authority Ivan Widjaya that is designed to inform and support small business owners, start-ups and entrepreneurs through varied resources, tips and ideas.