Monday, December 24, 2012
Endless Leadz Advises on Corporate Social Media Marketing Strategy in 2013
A new survey shows that many large B2B and B2C corporations rarely consider the role of social media strategy in their online reputations. Endless Leadz weighs in on this startling development.
Endless Leadz
Baltimore, Maryland December 24, 2012
The world of social media has changed the Internet forever. Never before has there been a time when consumers and customers of a brand or product have been able to chime in, and express their thoughts and opinions, on how a company does business. While this might seem like an opportune moment for a corporation to pay special attention to their corporate social media marketing strategy and how it relates to their customers and their brand’s online reputation, the 2012 Zeno Digital Readiness Survey, conducted by Harris Interactive, shows findings to the contrary. Baltimore-based online marketing firm, Endless Leadz, comments on this discovery in a recent statement to the press.
The study polled both B2B and B2C corporation executives with more than 10,000 employees and less than 10,000 employees. The survey itself studied attitudes, belief structures, and management response to social media practices. Overall, it was found that over one-third of all U.S. executives, 36 percent to be exact, never or rarely consider “their company’s social media reputation when making important business decisions.” Zsolt Bicskey, president of Endless Leadz, found this attitude to be shocking.
“When I first learned of this study, I have to admit that I expected something different, especially when you consider just how key an effective corporate social media marketing strategy is to a successful business,” stated Bicskey. “When you consider just how easy it is for a consumer to elicit praise, as well as a grievance, over their experience with a company, it must be asked, ‘Why are leading executives not paying attention to this?’ Ultimately, 2013 is going to be a pivotal year. These businesses must get onboard with an effective corporate social media marketing strategy or get left in the dust by their smaller competitors who understand the role this marketing tool plays in their company’s image.”
Moreover, it appeared that there was a distinct divide between B2B and B2C brands and it was B2C organizations which ultimately had a more realistic attitude on the effect of corporate social media marketing on their business. The study found, “43 percent of those working for B2B companies say they either never consider or rarely consider their social media reputation when making a business decision.” Alternately, only 30 percent of those working at B2C brands, a segment of the business population which works hand-in-hand with consumers, noted lack of attention to social media.
“What these findings tell me,” opines Bicskey, “is that business-to-consumer brands directly understand how important the customer is to their business success. And of course, that’s not shocking, considering that a B2C brand has much more daily interaction with customers than a B2B company. It is this group which understands just how quickly public opinion can go south via social media channels if they are not staying abreast of their corporate social media marketing strategy.”
Bicskey goes onto note that 2013 has to be the year for B2B brands to get caught up and get onboard with social media. “No company or brand is immune to this valuable type of marketing strategy. But at the same time, it must be done right. An effective corporate social media marketing strategy never takes a day off. Personally, I suggest that these B2B companies address it now before it’s too late.”
Endless Leadz provides marketing help to small businesses, corporate clients and publishers. It specializes in generating online buzz and lead generation through marketing services and search engine strategies. To find out what Endless Leadz can do for you, visit
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