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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Conscious-Chaos in the evening!

I gather together Humanitarian Related Global Issues. That  come to my inbox from 
many sources and are collectively presented in my "People's PoweredNews"/ ConsciousCHAOS-
tied together for decision makers to draw information from
that reflects humanity and the needs of the globe we live on.
We are evolving to a more conscientious driven force out of necessity...
now's the time to make the conscientious changes!

Mangrove forests effectively shielded some coastal areas from the Asian tsunami, while those areas without mangrove cover suffered immense damage

Out twice daily, keeping you informed with what is top news in the world, stories you just wont get in mainstream media - The Truth!.... read the copy of the hour:

As the sabre rattling against Syria gets ever louder, the allegations ever wilder and double standards, stirring, plotting and terrorist financing (sorry: “aiding the legitimate opposition”) neon lit, it is instructive to look at the justifications presented by US Administrations for a few other murderous incursions in recent history.

Out twice daily, keeping you informed with what is top news in the world, stories you just wont get in mainstream media - The Truth!.... read the copy of the hour:

Gangs Back Plan for Violence- Free Districts in El Salvador
Salvadoran youth gang leaders have accepted a proposal to declare 10 municipalities free of violence – a bold plan that has run up against the mistrust of vast segments of society with regard to the gangs and their aim of reinsertion in society....

Out twice daily, keeping you informed with what is top news in the world, stories you just wont get in mainstream media - The Truth!.... read the copy of the hour:

The file also contains a list of the friends you still have as well as the ones you’ve deleted. Facebook, like a lot of web services, has a full memory of all your actions — the friends, the unfriends, the likes, the shares. Facebook is a million little bells that you can’t unring, at least as far as police investigations go...

Out twice daily, keeping you informed with what is top news in the world, stories you just wont get in mainstream media - The Truth!.... read the copy of the hour: