With 2013 right around the corner, it's time to reflect back - yeah, that line is wearing thin on us, too. Here's the deal: we've compiled a list of the best, most shared, most beloved HubSpot Agency ebooks of the year and linked to them below.
But here's the catch: there is no reminiscing allowed. No getting nostalgic. You can only use these ebooks to start planning out a killer 2013 for your agency! Enjoy!
Inbound marketing is an amazing story. Make sure you can tell it. This ebook is full of analogies that will help you better explain key concepts like keyword strategy, blogging and automation. Download here!
Content makes the world go 'round. You know that. We know that. Everyone knows that. This ebook kit will make the creation process more efficient and your final product more effective. Download now!
Also known as our "guide to getting hired," this ebook outlines the scorecard that businesses use when picking their next marketing agency. It details what you'll need to secure more retainer business. Download here.
What does a great PPC campaign look like? We've got you covered. Our Agency PPC Kit covers campaign construction from end-to-end, and outlines the critical aspects of client/agency alignment. Download here!
This ebook breaks down how tactics like blogging and social media map to retainer-driving service offerings. We cite key stats and link you to deeper reading on each topic, too! Check it out!
The ink hasn't even dried on this offer yet! New last week, this ebook is the be-all, end-all guide to marketing your agency online. Bet on this offer being massively shared and read in 2013! Download here!
Happy New Year!
Patrick Shea Channel Marketing Manager