Thursday, January 10, 2013
James T Noble Marketing Authority Reveals 5 Ways Surveys Can Improve Businesses in New Guide
Small business marketing specialist James Noble published his new guide today examining how online surveys can be beneficial to entrepreneurs and small business owners. The guide offers practical advice regarding 5 major ways surveys can be used to assist business development and is available at:
James T Noble
London, UK January 10, 2013
Small business marketing specialist James Noblepublished his new guide today examining how online surveys can be beneficial to entrepreneurs and small business owners. The guide offers practical advice regarding 5 major ways surveys can be used to assist business development. The guide is available here:
The majority of businesses are aware of the importance of resonating with their target market and that surveys are a valuable tool to help them achieve that. It is far less common knowledge, however, that in addition to that surveys are able to benefit businesses in a whole host of other ways too. Mr Noble’s new guide takes an in-depth look at these less well known benefits. James said:
“Surveys really can open up a whole wealth of benefits for any business,” he elaborated “They have a high engagement level because they are fun and easy to use, they guarantee valuable results quickly and they are also extremely cost effective.”
One of these less obvious benefits that the guide explores is that of authority building. Social proof is one of the most powerful methods of endorsement that acts as a real incentive when persuading prospective customers and clients to commit. Used creatively, surveys can provide that social proof and build the authority of a business. James Noblecommented:
“Not only can surveys build authority but they can boost your Google rankings too,” he explained “Google is now using social proof analytics to rate websites, so recommendations are crucial for improving your authority factor. Encouraging social interaction with online surveys for rating and commenting on products could dramatically help your SEO.”
There is no doubt that surveys can be an excellent tool for business development, but it can be many small businesses and start ups aren’t aware of the correct approach to achieve that. James hopes his guide will provide the support entrepreneurs need to help get them started on the right path.
The guide is presented in a clear and concise easy-digestible style which James hopes will afford entrepreneurs with a strong and clear basis from which to nurture their businesses. He made this concluding comment:
“My advice to entrepreneurs is not to disregard the power of surveys. They are a great way to keep your finger on the pulse of your prospects and clients and gain quality, valuable information that could give you vital new inspiration and direction for your business.”
About James T Noble
James T Noble has helped some of the world’s largest brands and companies market their products and services online, including Virgin, Walt Disney Corporation, Coca Cola, Paramount Pictures and many others.
James lives in the UK and works with small business owners worldwide to accelerate their growth through effective online marketing. Visit the James T Noble website for more information and to get in touch with James.
About Lisa Sperow
Lisa Sperow is an experienced small business start-up authority and the owner of, a site which acts as a hub for small business resources and aims to create a small business community based on the shared experience of others.