Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Marketing Researchers Use Civicom’s Mobile Solution to Listen to Consumers Right In-the-Moment
What if a marketing researcher could pinpoint for a client the exact reasons why a customer makes a certain purchase? Civicom Marketing Research Services provides exactly that opportunity through its Civicom InSitu® Mobile Qualitative capability, which enables researchers to listen remotely to the in-the-moment comments made by real consumers as they go about the decision making process of being buyers.
Greenwich, CT USA February 26, 2013
What if a marketing researcher could pinpoint for a client the exact reasons why a customer makes a certain purchase? Civicom Marketing Research Services provides exactly that opportunity through its Civicom InSitu® Mobile Qualitative capability, which enables researchers to listen remotely to the in-the-moment comments made by real consumers as they go about the decision making process of being buyers. Armed with access to this knowledge, marketing researchers can derive and deliver insights into the key decision drivers at the holy grail of marketing and sales – the moment of truth – the point of purchase – when the final buying decision actually occurs.
Why do consumers make the choices they make? Why do they prefer one brand over another? Why was the ad not compelling? It's easy to answer the 'who,' 'what,' 'where,' 'when', but to really understand the reasoning behind a decision we have to ask the critical question: "WHY"? 'WHY' is best answered in a manner that allows for an open-ended response. Civicom InSitu® Mobile Qualitative Research lets you get to 'WHY'.
Civicom’s unique audio technology lets you hear respondent sentiment as individuals go about their activities. What makes Civicom InSitu® Mobile Qualitative unique is that spoken consumer thoughts are gathered right at the exact time the purchase is made, resulting in richer, fresher, and more accurate data about what drove the purchase. To participate, respondents in a research study simply dial one number on their phone and answer guide questions while they’re going about an activity like shopping.
For example, researchers can explore what factors come into play as first time mothers look to find the perfect baby stroller. In a scenario like this, the key to the whole research process is the documentation of moments when respondents come up with their own opinions, thoughts, and perceptions about what the perfect baby stroller ought to be. As mothers-to-be do their due diligence by talking to friends, doing online research, and actually visiting stroller retailers, they report their thoughts by dialing into Civicom InSitu® Mobile Qualitative to record personal notes about their whole stroller search experience.
Civicom’s team of specialists assists marketing researchers to set up mobile qualitative projects and to make sure respondents use Civicom InSitu® as directed for the entire duration of a study. Civicom also assigns a project coordinator to ensure the smooth flow of each project and keep the respondents active and participating. The company is a pioneer provider of mobile qualitative tools and is known in the industry for its quality technology and excellent client support.
Mobile qualitative is emerging as a practical tool for marketing researchers when it comes to gathering in-the-moment data in a flexible manner. It is a powerful data gathering tool that allows marketing researchers to get into the minds of respondents, listening to their in-the-moment audio recordings as they share all the factors they would consider before making a purchase. Researchers who have experienced mobile qualitative first-hand state they are able to collect very candid thoughts and derive richer insights from the activity. To learn more about Civicom InSitu Mobile Qualitative, visit or contact +1-203-413-2423.