Monday, March 18, 2013
Authority Hacks Special Report Now Available from Digital Marketer
Authority Hacks is the latest Special Report provided by the experts at Digital Marketer.
Authority Hacks
Authority Hacks: Three Simple Tweaks That Transformed a Flat, Ordinary Blog into a 100,000 Visitor a Month, High Profit Authority Site That Google Loves is the newest Digital Marketer-created Special Report. Ryan Deiss, Digital Marketer’s founder and CEO, wrote the report and shared everything he and his team has discovered about building a successful website.
Authority Hacks is the first portion of Digital Marketer’s new Authority ROI program, focusing on the creation of a high-profile, reputable online presence. Once this is established, the ability to sell things online, drive traffic, and build authority will become easier to understand and execute.
Simple changes, or “hacks” as Deiss calls them, can manipulate a website’s presence, and put it in position to succeed as a profitable, operational online business. Presenting oneself as an “expert” is one thing, but Authority Hacks shows readers how aggregating and associating with multiple experts creates true authority.
Thanks to Digital Marketer’s advanced experience, they are sharing the kind of advice and suggestions that are proven to work. The main case study in the Special Report is a perfect example of how the system operates. By explaining and describing the changes made to the website and blog that Digital Marketer transformed, they are essentially giving a step-by-step guide for any other online entity to do the same.
Deiss claims in the Authority Hacks report that blogging is dead, or as least blogging as it is known today. The purpose of the report, in Deiss’s own words, is to convince people to stop blogging, or to never start in the first place. There are better ways to accomplish bigger goals, Deiss explains in the report, and none of them include traditional blogging.
Traffic numbers like unique visitors, total page views, and average time on page are essential for getting websites out of the online basement, but doing so with good content is no longer good enough, according to Authority Hacks.
Digital Marketer releases informational and educational materials to help businesses and entrepreneurs gain insight and information on the trends, data, and strategies that can take them to the top of their industry. Through their RAW Training courses, strategic plans, blogs, newsletters, site reviews, and Special Reports, Digital Marketer supercharges every single marketing campaign it touches. For more information, visit
Once readers of the Special Report understand the fundamentals of Digital Marketer’s program, they’ll be able to use the Authority Hacks to their benefit and to build a successful online business model.