Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Genius Monkey Kicks Off a New Campaign for 2013 – What Not To Do with Social Media Marketing
Genius Monkey kicks off a new online marketing campaign for 2013. The “What Not to Do” with social media is designed to walk businesses through the most effective social media processes for search engine optimization (SEO), increased fan base, increased backlinks to the company website, etc.
Phoenix, AZ
Genius Monkey kicks off a new online marketing campaign for 2013. The “What Not to Do” with social media walks business owners and marketing managers through some of the most effective social media marketing techniques. Social media marketing is a new addition for many companies as they realize that a large portion of their target market spends a substantial amount of time on Facebook, Twitter, etc.
The “What Not to Do” campaign will be kicked off with Genius Monkey’s showcase of a recent clip from NBC’s The Office. The clip serves as the perfect example of what not to do with social media marketing ( ). The hit documentary-look comedy is popular for it’s humor, foolish antics and likeable characters. In this particular clip from a recently aired episode, employees were put to work utilizing social media as a means of marketing for the fictional paper company. What they came up with is the perfect example of what not to do with a coating of comedy that makes it even more palatable for wary beginners.
Most companies in today’s marketplace are aware of the need for social media marketing. They’ve heard it’s vital and it can make the difference between a good year and a bad year; growth or stagnant sales. The problem comes when they attempt to use the various sites; most approach the marketing extravaganza from the wrong direction.
One such wrong direction was presented by the fictional employees of Dunder Mifflin. Most viewers laugh when they hear the well known “employees” on The Office explaining about their fake accounts with fake fans and fake likes and how their fake social media campaign is going to bring all sorts of fake benefits to Dunder Mifflin. TV viewers can laugh, but many companies and even so-called marketing experts are using the same “fake” techniques, but somehow hoping to obtain real results.
Jeremy Hudgens of Genius Monkey said, “The reason this hits home with so many viewers is because it truly represents how a lot of companies approach social media. Instead of keeping things on the up and up and waiting for the ‘real’ payoff from relevant and interesting content, companies are trying to force immediate results.”
Social media is an asset. But alongside the untapped potential, many new to the game see it as a confusing, irritating mess. The idiosyncrasies of the various social media outlets can be overwhelming, but take the experts’ opinions into consideration. Approach a social media campaign calmly and without fear. It is key to learning enough about online marketing to implement a successful social media campaign
Genius Monkey provides clients with access to a team of marketing scientists that speed up the evolution of the average company by incorporating advanced marketing technology and services. Genius Monkey’s advanced scientific data-collection algorithms work to increase ROI and brand awareness. Implementing Genius Monkey’s online marketing strategy means companies can reach millions of targeted customers with ease and convenience while avoiding the potentially explosive costs of traditional marketing.