Monday, April 15, 2013
TranscriptionWing™ Announces ListenLink™ - A Solution to Provide More Leverage for Researchers
Civicom’s TranscriptionWing™ announces ListenLink™ feature to provide transcription services that are suited to meet even the most stringent requirements of today’s market researchers.
Greenwich, CT April 15, 2013
Civicom’s TranscriptionWing™ provides transcription services that are suited to meet even the most stringent requirements of today’s market researchers as it announces ListenLink™.
Global markets are always changing. And modern technology-driven solutions, such as Civicom’s Mobile Qualitative and InSitu®, now allow researchers to conduct studies that involve large numbers of respondents simultaneously across different geographical locations. Much of the raw data that is produced by these projects is in the form of recorded responses.
Because of the huge number of audio files that has to be dealt with, data processing and analysis become so time-consuming and tedious that researchers tend to get overwhelmed. However, thanks to Civicom’s TranscriptionWing™, researchers can now have at their disposal, practical and innovative text solutions that make their work easier.
Civicom’s Flexible and Practical Transcription Service Just Got Better With ListenLink™
Civicom Marketing Research Services knows that market researchers are faced with time-bound tasks on a daily basis, which is why TranscriptionWing’s™ team of transcriptionists specialize in quick turnarounds. These professional audio typists are highly skilled and are well versed in a variety of topics.
Civicom Marketing Research Services knows that market researchers are faced with time-bound tasks on a daily basis, which is why TranscriptionWing’s™ team of transcriptionists specialize in quick turnarounds. These professional audio typists are highly skilled and are well versed in a variety of topics.
But at times, an audio recording may contain parts that are incomprehensible to TranscriptionWing™ transcribers. The company the sought a way to address this particular issue and came up with ListenLink™. These are hyperlinked terms that have been inserted into the final audio transcription to signify that that corresponding part of the recording is either [unintelligible], [inaudible], or contains [crosstalk]. With the new ListenLink™ feature, clients will be able to hear the specific parts of the original audio file once they click on the hyperlinks.
TranscriptionWing™ services can be customized to fit various research requirements, with rates that are highly competitive. For urgent needs clients can choose what’s called “RUSH turnaround”. This option guarantees that transcribed documents will be ready within four hours after audio files have been received by TranscriptionWing™. Other flexible turnaround plans and payment options are available.
Clients can provide project details and discussion guides when they submit their audio recordings to TranscriptionWing™. These attachments give transcribers specific instructions and special word lists so that they’ll know, for example, that a particular word should be treated as a proper noun.
Because Civicom® is a global service provider, TranscriptionWing™ offers transcription services in multiple languages.
All transcribed files are posted in clients’ online accounts and can also be sent via email.
Learn more about Civicom TranscriptionWing™ and ListenLink™ by visiting