Monday, May 27, 2013
Civicom Promotes Making the Most of Pinterest as a Tool for Marketing Research
Civicom Marketing Research Services, a leader in innovative technology solutions for marketing researchers, has expanded its services in helping its clients use Pinterest for marketing research projects.
Greenwich, CT May 27, 2013
Civicom Marketing Research Services, a leader in innovative technology solutions for marketing researchers, has expanded its services in helping its clients use Pinterest for marketing research projects. Pinterest continues to be one of the fastest growing social media websites. The site currently drives more traffic than Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. The appeal to brands is enormous. The site is also a rich option for conducting qualitative research.
Civicom Pinterest services are designed for conducting qualitative research studies where clients engage in projective techniques, self-expression activities, online photo diaries, or in creating collages related to brand or idea association. Clients are able to get a visual understanding of thought processes and perceptions within the mind of the respondent as a result.
“We help our clients engage Pinterest as a sorting tool, for an online photo diary, or to combine it with a mobile qualitative study including IDIs or focus groups. Pinterest has a lot of possibilities when used as a self-standing research study tool, and as part of a homework assignment,” according to Annie McDannald, a senior account manager withCivicom Marketing Research Services.
Civicom provides a Pinterest account for each respondent then introduces each respondent to the Pinterest website and provides guidance for how to complete the Pinterest assignment. Respondents create boards or Civicom creates the boards for the respondents. Respondents then pin images and provide descriptions based on the research activity required. Civicom then archives the completed boards.
Respondents are provided with a Civicom Pinterest Coach to reference for technical assistance throughout the project. Civicom educates respondents on making sure their pins are be well thought out and clearly illustrate the study objectives and include useful descriptions that relate to the study.
With the exception of secret boards, activity on Pinterest can potentially be viewed by anyone looking through the Pinterest website. Civicom provides release forms stating this understanding. Civicom also reminds respondents to pin images from the source site, rather than downloading images and then uploading them to Pinterest as their own. These guidelines help avoid copyright violation.
Once an assignment is completed and has been archived, Civicom deletes the respondent boards and pins from Pinterest. The company shares archived boards only with the project research team.
Pinterest is a platform that allows users to gather photos they find interesting and post them on virtual pin boards. Users can browse pin boards created by other people to discover new things and get inspiration from people who share their interests. Users connect based on common interests rather than just through people they know.
Launched in 2009, Pinterest introduced secret boards in 2012 and data analytics tools in 2013. Civicom Marketing Research Services has been at the forefront of innovative technology for marketing research for nearly ten years. The company is the global leader in telephone and web-enabled IDIs and focus groups through CyberFacility™, offers Civicom InSitu® mobile qualitative research services and mobile surveys, as well as Civicom Chatterbox®, and online multimedia bulletin board, in addition to respondent recruiting and qualitative text analytics.
To learn more about Civicom Marketing Research services using Pinterest visit , email inquire(at)civi(dot)com, or call +1-203-413-2423.