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Friday, May 31, 2013

The Link Agency is Writing the Book on Small Business Marketing and Seeks Small Businesses to Contribute

Rhode Island based advertising agency, The Link Agency, focuses efforts to help small businesses succeed with a new book.

Since 2000, we've been talking to consumers about marketing and now we want to transfer that knowledge to small business owners,” said LeRoux
Barrington, RI & La Jolla, CA  May 31, 2013
As budgets for small business marketing continue to decline, one advertising agency seeks to offer alternative solutions to help businesses grow.
While the economy is showing modest signs of growth, smaller businesses are slower to recover. Rhode Island based marketing firm, The Link Agency sees this as an opportunity to increase the scope of their services scaled towards smaller businesses and is writing a "do it yourself" marketing book specifically geared for the small business entrepreneur.
The subject for this book is, “answers to your top marketing questions," and is due to release 2014. Tracy LeRoux, founder and CEO of The Link Agency, Inc. has asked small business owners to contact her with the questions they wish to have answered.
Only a few years ago businesses had fewer tools to work with and the ones that were available were sometimes not feasible financially. Now the options can be overwhelming, but according to LeRoux, “The Link Agency sorts through the tools and figures out what will work best for each client. We might not have all the answers but we go out and find them. We will never know more than our clients, they live their product every day. But we know how to listen to our clients and understand what they want, and can help them. The book aims to do just that."