I'm sending my note from the 8th Annual
Bridge to Integrated Marketing & Fundraising Conference in Washington D.C., where
Target Marketing is a sponsor (we're at booth #311 ... come and say "Hello!" if you're here!). This is one of those rare conferences that cleverly brings together fundraisers and marketers, as both have so many ideas to share. It's also insanely popular, as it's sold out (!) but you can still register online and on-site to attend The Bridge Conference's "Solutions Showcase"!
We're actually sponsoring "Track #4: Marketing Strategies & Trends Relevant to NonProfits and For-Profits," and I'm introducing three sessions. First, earlier today, was Blair Lyon from Monetate on "Content Marketing in the Age of the Empowered Customer."
Next, I'm proud to say, are two of Target Marketing Group's editorial leaders. At 2:30 p.m. today, Thorin McGee, Editor in Chief of
Target Marketing magazine, will lead a panel on "Marketing Budget Trends: Where Should Your Money Go?!" Then tomorrow, Friday, at 2 p.m., Ethan Boldt, Chief Content Officer of Direct Marketing IQ, will unveil the "Trends in Direct Mail that Get Results!" Digging deep into Who's Mailing What!, our gigantic
library of direct mail, he's presenting all the trends that are working in the mailstream.
For example, he'll discuss the explosion of the self-mailer, as the white envelope no longer dominates the mailstream anymore. Mailers are finally 'thinking outside the boring mailbox' and trying out new formats, including fundraisers that formerly never went with self-mailers.
Speaking of fundraisers, he'll also give a thorough breakdown of premium usage, which is also on the upswing in all categories. He'll reveal the top premiums used in the fundraising vertical in order to boost donor response.
Lastly, with more data to leverage than ever before, mailers are increasingly personalizing the mail pieces — across all the verticals. He'll showcase some outstanding examples of personalized mail that you won't want to miss. Okay, perhaps you will miss it, but stay tuned to future issues of
Who's Mailing What! Reportand you might see parts of his 75-minute presentation there.