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Monday, August 8, 2011

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Join Local Guerrilla Marketing for the premier social media marketing event for digital decision makers, local businesses and social media marketers in Ft. Lauderdale, FL on August 20 & 21st.

Ft. Lauderdale, FL (PRWEB) August 08, 2011

Local Guerrilla Marketing is hosting the premier social media marketing event for digital decision makers, local businesses and social media marketers. Due to unprecedented demand, Local Guerrilla Marketing has partnered with the leading lights of social media to create a standalone educational event solely focused on social media marketing and its integration into the marketing mix. This event will feature intensive workshops, case studies, and all-new material covering the foundational best practices of Social and more advanced tactics of integrating Social into email, video SEO, mobile and more.
Attendees will be looking to discover and experience social integrated marketing solutions across the following categories:

  • Social & Search
  • Onsite Social Analytics
  • Off Site Measurement & Monitoring
  • User Generated Content
  • Video Email Marketing Social Tools
  • Social Media Conversion
  • Blog and Forum Platforms
  • Mobile Geo-local Social Apps
  • Twitter & Facebook
  • Content Marketing Strategies
  • Social CRM Solutions
  • Viral Strategies

Local Guerrilla Marketing, including Wendy Stevens and her blockbuster panel of experts, will lend you their expertise on how to capture the winning edge in your local market by way of Reversing the Google Advertising Game and empowering you with low cost no cost strategies and tactics in Social Media Marketing.

This two-day event will send participants home with more information than they could ever hope for, and there is no better time than now to invest in themselves. Go to right now to register for this exciting premier event from Local Guerrilla Marketing. Seats are limited!
