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A few small businesses in San Clemente, California are taking part in a Web Marketing Partners study that uses mobile text marketing. The study will allow each participating business to offer discounts on products or services for the month of August.

San Clemente, California (PRWEB) August 08, 2011
A few small businesses in San Clemente, California are taking part in a Web Marketing Partners study that uses mobile text marketing. The study will allow each participating business to offer discounts on products or services for the month of August.
The Mobile messaging study allows anyone with a mobile phone that has text capabilities to text I Luv SC to the number 90210 and receive an instant text message with a list of deals and discounts. It also allows them to be part of a raffle at the end of the month which has a $350 gift card as the prize.
Web Marketing Partners of Newport Beach is sponsoring the study in an effort to develop affordable marketing solutions for small local businesses.
Managing Partner, Melissa Curtiss stated, “Large discount services like Groupon are often not practical for smaller businesses; the discount is too high and the time period too long. The offers also tend to attract one time discount seekers.
“In our study a key benefit is that the businesses can control the offers, reward their regular customers as well as new customers and effortlessly build a list of those customers. Another great advantage is the number we are using, 90210; it is well known and easy to remember. This type of local marketing is the future because it uses the one communication device that almost everyone has with them 95% of the time,” Curtiss said.
The study will continue through the month of August and any businesses that are not currently taking part but would like to, may contact Web Marketing Partners at 949-614-0794 for more information.
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