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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

In the past, many corporate hotshots scoffed at the idea of Internet marketing and often dismissed it as nothing more than some quint essential cyber

Polaris Marketing Research Inc. announced today the results of its recent study of American consumer usage of social media. Putting the hype about Twitter in context, only 18 percent of online Americans sent a tweet in the last 60 days.

Quote start“In spite of all of the buzz about Twitter, our results show that individuals who are active on Twitter are in the minority of the general U.S. population."Quote end

Atlanta, GA (PRWEB) August 09, 2011

Polaris Marketing Research Inc. announced today the results of its recent study of American consumer usage of social media. Putting the hype about Twitter in context, only 18 percent of online Americans sent a tweet in the last 60 days. And only 22 percent of online Americans claimed to have reviewed a tweet on Twitter in the last 60 days.

Twitter activity also varied by demographics:

  • Younger respondents (under age 34) were significantly more likely to tweet and to review tweets on Twitter.
  • Interestingly, Hispanic respondents were significantly more likely to tweet or review tweets.
  • Respondents’ income levels were not related to their likelihood to use Twitter.
  • Respondents in the East were most likely to tweet while respondents in the South were most likely to review tweets on Twitter

“In spite of all of the buzz about Twitter, our results show that individuals who are active on Twitter are in the minority of the general U.S. population,” said Polaris President Jan Carlson.

Polaris conducted online surveys with a representative sample of 1,000 American consumers during the week of July 18, 2011.

Founded by Jan Carlson, Polaris Marketing Research is a full-service firm that provides state-of-the-art online interactive marketing research reporting, interviewing and data collection, quantitative and qualitative research expertise and personalized project management.

Atlanta-based Polaris Marketing Research is affiliated with the Council of American Survey Research Organizations, the American Marketing Association and the American Society for Quality.
