Thursday, October 13, 2011
If you want your press release to get an editor's attention, you need to get to the point as quickly as possible.
If you want your press release to get an editor's attention,
you need to get to the point as quickly as possible. Dozens
of press releases stream into a newsroom every day. Most of
them end up in the trash because an editor simply didn't
have time to read through the whole release to grasp the
writer's point. You might have a great, timely hook, but it
won't get noticed if it's buried in the fourth paragraph.
The two most important elements of the press release are the
headline and opening paragraph. Assume that will be all an
editor ever reads. By the time an editor has skimmed the
first few lines, it should be obvious why your story will be
important to readers.
Some people prefer to tackle headlines last, because they're
often the most difficult part of a press release. I find
writing the headline first helps me to focus while writing
the body of the release. Here are some headline guidelines:
Press release headlines should be short and catchy; usually
five to seven words is enough. Make each word count. Use
active verbs, staying away from "is" and "are." Avoid fancy
adjectives and adverbs all together. Take out unnecessary
words like "the," "an," and "that."
Punctuation isn't necessary. Definitely don't use
exclamation points, as they don't make your press release
look any more newsworthy. In fact, they can seem rather
desperate and pathetic.
Be specific. Instead of saying "ABC Inc. Creates New Jobs,"
say "ABC Inc. Creates 340 Manufacturing Jobs in Fair Hill."
This gives an editor something concrete to grasp.
Use a short subhead if you feel you have other important
information you need to present up front. However, a subhead
isn't necessary on a press release.
Like the headline, the opening paragraph to a press release
needs to be enticing, concise, and to the point. In
journalism, reporters often write using a format called the
inverted pyramid. This structure calls for the most
important information to appear at the top of the story.
When you're writing a press release, you should follow this
same format.
Imagine an editor is going to print your press release in
his publication. However, he only has a very small news
hole. Chances are he'll start cutting away text from the
bottom, so you'll want all of the important information to
be up top.
The opening paragraph should be no more than three
sentences, and should hook the reader immediately. It should
answer the basic journalistic questions: Who? What? Where?
When? Why? How? Focus on the main idea, not the little
One of the worst (and most overused) ways to begin a press
release is to say "ABC President John Smith today announced
..." Obviously if you're sending out a news release, someone
is announcing something. Tell the news first, worry about
attribution later.
Finally, avoid marketing hype and sales jargon. Editors and
reporters can sniff out a sales pitch from a mile away and
they're not interested in giving you a free ad. If they
sense you're trying to pull one over on them, chances are
they won't even bother reading your press release at all the
next time.
Over & out,
Mickie Kennedy
Founder, eReleases.com
CEO, eReleases.com & Press-Release-Writing.com
Toll Free: 800.990.5545
Phone: 410.931.2966
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