Pure Web Launches A New Social Marketing Service To Get Companies Involved With Their Customers Through Facebook

Mark J Herlan - Facebook

Atlanta, GA (PRWEB) October 05, 2011
Digital Buzz Blog's 2011 Report about Facebook usage has internet marketers scrambling to get in the game. 2011 saw Facebook reach 500 million users who spend an average of 700 billion minutes each month on the social network. With so many users spending so much time using Facebook it stands to reason that any company not utilizing Facebook will be left behind.
“For most company’s just the word Facebook evokes a certain amount of anxiety as business owners picture all the time their employees spend there,” said Mark J Herlan, Professional Web Services Consultant, “but the anxiety really needs to come from the fact that they aren’t doing enough to leverage this amazing tool to reach current and potential customers.”
The face of business is changing and business owners need to learn to embrace new ways of reaching their base. Learning how to tap into Facebook is crucial for a company’s online success. Having an official Facebook page will not only increase communication but it will also create a platform for customers to provide feedback about products or services. Publishing content to Facebook allows followers to pick up and share this information among their friends. Many companies will hire specialists to carry out this aspect of their online presence and taking the time to find the right partner is the first step in reaching this relatively new frontier. For more information on Social Marketing please visit Pure Web online or call: 770-441-4356.
About Mark J Herlan
Originally from New York, Mark has been living in Atlanta for 8 years. Mark attended the University of Georgia and graduated with a degree in Internet Technology. Mark enjoys working from his home and taking his dog Dom for walks. Computers have always been a part of Mark’s life. From the time he first laid eyes on one in Radio Shack he was hooked.
Mark is an avid gamer and keeps up with all the latest releases for Xbox and PC. Currently Mark is enjoying Gears of War 3 and looking forward to Battlefield 3. He is currently working as an outside consultant for Pure Web in Atlanta.