Euro Zone Sovereign Debt Crisis- Biggest Tail Risk
One of the popular hedges for sovereign default, credit default swaps risked being ineffective as CDS-type insurance may not now pay out on that debt due to a voluntary agreement with bank creditors to write off half the value of Greek bonds. With financial firms under great stress, the importance of ‘tail’ risks has grown by leaps and bounds. ITFX informs traders about risk and concerns of Forex trading.

Forex Ecn

(PRWEB) November 25, 2011
In a poll conducted by Bank of America and Merrill Lynch this month, all fund managers picked the Euro Zone sovereign debt crisis as the biggest tail risk of the moment that might result in unprecedented financial chaos. InvestTechFX Fx Trading experts explain that investors are concerned about liquidity, which determines their ability to get in and out of securities quickly and many asset managers prefer sticking with more orthodox hedging and vanilla products that have a greater certainty of being paid out. After Lehman Brothers went bankrupt in September 2008, the importance of ‘tail’ risks has grown by leaps and bounds.
One of the popular hedges for sovereign default, credit default swaps risked being ineffective as CDS-type insurance may not now pay out on that debt due to a voluntary agreement with bank creditors to write off half the value of Greek bonds. The Forex currency exchangeexperts at the FX trading company InvestTechFX report that it is costly to develop strategies via options with volatility of G10 currencies being five times higher than average and the USD remains the default option for those seeking safety and liquidity in the foreign exchange market. Financial stress tends to see natural hedge flows back to dollars as a lot of leveraged money worldwide is still denominated in dollars, so buying derivatives on non-euro currencies or equity volatility may look like tempting strategies to protect portfolios from the financial storm.
Buying of the VIX, which has been one of the popular hedging plays, is responsible for a sharp equity price decline and though the strategy is already very popular, it is extremely costly. Furthermore, when stocks do go up, the risk is huge.
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