Google Brings On Board Verbatim Search

In the last week of October, Google stealthily removed the + search operator from its set of search tools. By adding a + before a search term, made it mandatory that the specific words showed up in your search results. But, this tool was removed by Google as it considered the double quotes a better way of searching specifically.
As Google says, In the past, we provided users with the + operator to help you search for specific terms. However, we found that users typed the + operator in less than half a percent of all searches, and two thirds of the time, it was used incorrectly. A couple of weeks ago we removed the + operator, encouraging the use of the double quotes, which are more likely to be used correctly.
However, the removal of the + operator had the users complaining for it to be there, and seeing the increasing user demand, Google has added a new verbatim option to search results. This search tool is available in the more search tools links on the left side of the results page.
Verbatim is even easier to use as you don't have to type your query and then select further options to get the search results. Verbatim gives you a better control over results. Here is what Verbatim will do, according to Google, With the verbatim tool on, well use the literal words you entered without making normal improvements such as
- Making automatic spelling corrections
- Personalizing your search by using information such as sites youve visited before
- Including synonyms of your search terms (matching car when you search -automotive-)
- Finding results that match similar terms to those in your query (finding results related to floral delivery when you search -flower shops-)
- Searching for words with the same stem like running when youve typed -run-
- Making some of your terms optional, like circa in -the scarecrow circa 1963-.
Verbatim seems a convenient option for users to find the specific and precise results that they are expecting from their queries. Google has said, that they will roll Verbatim feature globally pretty soon.
About the Author:
Nav is the founder and CEO of PageTraffic, a premier search engine company known for its assured SEO service, web design and development, copywriting and full time SEO professionals.
Navneet has wide experience in natural search engine optimization, internet marketing and PPC campaigns. He is a prolific writer and his articles can be found in the "Best Articles" section of many websites and article banks. As a search engine analyst , he has over 9 years of experience and his knowledge is in application here.