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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Signtronix Presents: 10 Reasons Why You Need to Re-Evaluate Your Business Signage

Signtronix, the leading sign company for America’s small businesses that’s been in business since 1959, offers 10 reasons to evaluate your business signage. In today’s economy every advantage you can get to be seen by potential customers and have an edge over the competition is vital.

A beautiful Signtronix sign with LED message sign

Torrance, CA (PRWEB) November 16, 2011

Signtronix, the leading sign company for America’s small businesses that’s been in business since 1959, offers 10 Reasons to evaluate your business signage. In today’s economy every advantage you can get to be seen by potential customers and have an edge over the competition is vital.

1. You Never Get a Second Chance to Make a First Impression
Your sign is representative of your business and lets customers see all your features and benefits. An effective sign can make or break you. A properly designed sign can create "top of the mind awareness" with the consumer. In other words, when they think of a product or service that you carry, they think of your business first. The repetitive passing of an effective sign creates an instant visual association between the consumer's need and your business.

2. The Impact of Customer Turnover
The average yearly turnover is 20% of the customer population base. In small town America, it can be as high as 25%. So, while you may like to say, "Everybody knows I am here," at best this may be only 80% true. A business needs at least a 20% increase in new customers every year just to stay even.

Consider McDonalds. Why do you think they put the golden arches in front of the smallest volume store in the smallest town in which they do business? The answer is obvious. You don't get to be the best without constantly reminding every customer, every time they pass by that you are open for business.

3. It’s an Impulse
Have you ever been riding down the road, saw a sign, remembered a need that could be met at this establishment, turned into the business and made a purchase? How about Target, Krispy Kreme, McDonalds or 7/11? Signs create impulse traffic into your business and return those who need your product in the future. Good signage causes people to remember where you are, what you do and how well you do it.

4. You Need to Get Noticed
The battle cry and price setting features of commercial real estate is "location, location, location!" Most prime commercial property is sold by the front linear foot. In other words, it takes a lot of money to be up front and visible to passing drivers. However, an effective sign can place you upfront in visibility even if you are hidden from view. There is a direct correlation between visibility and cash flow.

5. Inexpensive Advertising
Traditional advertising can be expensive and results are not guaranteed. Most advertising methods are consumable (TV, Radio, Newspaper and Direct Mail). In other words, you use it today and it is gone. Even the Yellow Pages must be paid continually or you won't have an ad next year. Your sign is the only advertising form that is not consumed. It is paid for once, will stay on the job for years and is a permanent fixture and an asset of the business.

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, the cost of a sign to reach 1,000 adults is as little as 5 cents, compared to $3.00 per 1,000 for newspaper advertising.

6. Utilize Your Best Advertising
According to store traffic surveys of new clients conducted by independent business owners who recently purchased new signage, 46% of customers doing business with them for the first time, came in because of the business sign. 37% came in because of word-of-mouth. Compare these figures with the newspaper advertising that brought in only 8% of the new customers.

7. Communicate With Your Customers
Can you communicate with your customers with a new message every day? Can you tell potential customers "Welcome! Come in!" or "Sale! Today Only!"? Electronic Message signs give you the power to reach out to the many people who pass your business every day and tell them why they should come in to buy your products or services.

8. New Customers in Your Community
How many people in your community need your product today? You always have a new and expanding market. This natural expansion is one more reason to tell your story every day.

9. Consider The Bottom Line
Signtronix believes you are in business to maximize bottom line profits. The true bottom line is the return on investment. In considering the cost of a sign, if you consider profits it will generate, the bottom line becomes, “How much money will it make me?”

So remember that the net cost of the sign is the price minus profits, tax deductions, community goodwill, and many new, happy customers.

10. Your Sign is Your Best Employee
Think of your sign as a non-commissioned silent salesperson. A properly designed, quality sign is a vital employee at a fraction of the cost of traditional labor. Your sign never calls in sick, never files an unemployment claim, and does not require vacation time, health benefits, counseling, worker's compensation or a Christmas bonus.

How many salary or commission dollars would you have to spend to get your message in the minds of as many people as an effective sign will in a single day?

About Signtronix
Signtronix ( is the premiere sign manufacturer for small businesses across the United States. The company was founded in 1959 and has helped hundreds of thousands of small businesses in its 50 year history. Signtronix offers many different sign products from outdoor electric signs, LED messages signs and indoor and window signs to help America’s small businesses get the exposure they need to their passing public and potential customers. Signtronix is proud to be an ESOP (employee stock ownership plan) company which is owned and operated by its employees. If you wish to view Signtronix on Facebook then visit or you can join us on Twitter at
To learn more about Signtronix please contact Tom Johnson Jr. at trj2(at)signtronix(dot)com.

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