Over the years, our partners have used HubSpot's Website Grader to help evaluate the website performance of their prospects and clients. We now want to introduce you to an exciting new tool:Marketing Grader!
Marketing Grader analyzes more than just a website; it grades theentire sales and marketing funnel. Agencies can use this tool to instantly diagnose prospect need and begin formulating killer inbound marketing strategies.
Marketing grader will help answer the following questions for your prospects and clients:
* Is their marketing more or less effective than their competition's? * Are their marketing efforts generating leads and sales? * Is their web presence optimized for mobile devices? * How effectively is their business using social media? * What are the strong points and shortcomings of their marketing?
It's the perfect time to figure out how you can improve your clients' marketing efforts in the new year. Visit Marketing.Grader.com to run custom reports now!