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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Nashville SEO Expert and Local Guerrilla Marketing CEO Delivers Solutions for Video SEO

Nashville area resident and CEO of Local Guerrilla Marketing Wendy Stevens offers insider tips on SEO

Wendy Stevens, CEO of Local Guerrilla Marketing
Quote startNashville SEO is an essential part of today's business world and provides a challenge that allows many to undertake but only a few to succeed.Quote end
Nashville, TN  December 15, 2011
Nashville SEO guru and CEO Wendy Stevens, co-author of the recently-released book 'Best of Guerrilla Marketing', has helped turn the dream of owning half or all front-page listings on Google into a plausible reality with Nashville SEO campaigns.
Wendy Stevens, Nashville area resident, inspirational coach and CEO, provides tips on Video SEO in her most recent blog:
"Google and Youtube are both Google's interests and relevancy falls into three categories:
1) content
2) relevancy
3) popularity
Video SEO's success is based on all three factors.
Popularity of a webpage refers to the number and the quality of links pointing to it from other web pages on the Internet world. The more “inbound” links a site has and the more they come from reputable sites (in Google’s eyes), the better your site will rank. This is the most important factor in Google SEO.
Google’s success is mostly due to its decision to rate web pages based on the quantity and quality of the links they receive – much like the academia’s rating of a scientific article. The more an article is used as a source by other scientists, the more authoritative that article becomes.
Google uses the same formula for all sites: the more a site gets referred to by other sites, the more authoritative it is. In other words, the more links a site has, the better rank it’ll get.
This aspect of Google’s algorithm is based on the principle that sites with good content should naturally be used as sources by other sites. But the older Google becomes, the more difficult it gets for sites to naturally generate the needed link popularity in order to rank at the top of Google search results – despite the quality of their content.
On the other hand, Google frowns upon sites that engage in “black hat” SEO to gain artificial link popularity. So, what are you to do if you want your site to compete for that #1 position in a competitive market?
The answer is Youtube. Oh yeah, did you know Google owns Youtube?
First, you cannot just sit and wait for others to link their sites to yours. That simply won’t happen. In a world where there are thousands of new sites built everyday, your prospective site visitors have no way of finding you to read your content (unless you already rank on Google).
Second, you cannot just write comments on 100’s of blogs or forums to gain the popularity you need (because most of these comments and the links you gain from them have “nofollow” attribute – meaning Google gives them no value.
And third, what might have worked six months ago (in successful link-building techniques), may no longer be a good practice.
But there are other ways.
At Local Guerrilla Marketing, our research and development team works everyday to discover new methods we can use to semi-artificially (and yet naturally) improve our clients link popularity and, therefore, their Google rankings. To help our readers, we share our newest techniques so you can engage in a tried-and-true link-building campaign that will help you improve your rankings on Google.
And here is a list of what works for us:
Blogging: we build blogs for our clients and constantly keep them up-to-date with new posts, while linking from them to our clients’ sites.
Directories: we submit our clients’ sites to directories that have a PR3 or more. Here is a list of directories we recommend.
Articles: writing, optimizing and submitting articles to reputable sites helps us gain link popularity for all of our clients. Here is a list of article sites with good page rank.
Press Releases: writing, optimizing and submitting press releases to news sites has huge benefits for our clients. We can improve their rankings immediately when we submit releases for them.
Freebies: we offer freebies to those site visitors that link to our clients’ sites.
Competitors: we go after those sites that are linking to our clients’ competitors and request links to our clients’ sites.
Partners: we ask our clients to request links from their partners and/or friends’ sites.
All of the above is much easier said than done. Engaging in all of these techniques requires months of hard labor, a complete understanding of SEO and, of course, cash. Nevertheless, we’ve been able to transform local, small businesses into large-international ones in a matter of a few months by practicing what we preach.
So, if you’re someone who doesn’t have the money to hire a professional SEO company (we mean us, ha ha), then you need to learn the ropes of SEO. With hard work it’ll take you a couple of years to master the techniques and, after investing some money and a lot of time, you’ll be able to rank your site above everyone else.
Oftentimes, smart business people who have substantial financial backing will delegate important tasks to professionals, instead of spending years mastering what someone else already knows and taking away the focus from their business. If you are one of those smart business people, request a free consultation and we’ll be happy to look at your site and see if it qualifies for our Top of Google program."
Nashville SEO is an essential part of today's business world and provides a challenge that allows many to undertake but only to few succeed. Business owners are encouraged to try the tips above and to contact Local Guerrilla Marketing if they find that they are in need of assistance with Nashville SEO.