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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

1 Billion People Use Mobile As Primary Internet Point


By: Rene LeMerle

At the Mobile World Congress event in Barcelona Googles Head of Mobile Sales, Jason Spero, announced some new global Smartphone user survey data and 2012 predictions. The data was the result of a Google-sponsored survey across countries like USA, UK, France, Germany, Spain and Japan where each country had around 1000 respondents.

The results from the survey show a clear indication that mobile search usage has maximum penetration amongst smart phone users who search once a week. Though in the data it is unclear if the results are purely browsers based searches and / or include map based searches done via mobile apps.

The survey highlighted smartphone owners as being heavy video consumers and social networking users with the following usage statistics:

Online Video Consumption

  • United States " 75%

  • United Kingdom " 64%

  • France " 69%

  • Germany " 71%

  • Spain " 79%

  • Japan " 77%

Social Media Usage

  • United States " 79%

  • United Kingdom " 78%

  • France " 69%

  • Germany " 70%

  • Spain " 79%

  • Japan " 66%

However the most powerful data in my view shows how consumers are using smartphones in making their purchase decisions.

Google discovered that 63% of US smartphone owners made purchases on their smartphones at least monthly, with 20% saying they made daily purchases. Add to this the local element " 92%of smartphone owners in the US seek local (offline) information via their devices, then 89% of those people took some form of action after such a lookup (phone call, online booking etc). This highlights the need for business owners to have a website that is mobile-compatible.

Smartphone ownership has also jumped quite significantly in recent years " increasing 11% to 44% of the total population in Spain and by 7% to 38% of the total population in the US.

Here are Jasons predictions for mobile in 2012:

  1. More than 1 billion people will use mobile devices as their primary internet access point.

  2. There will be 10 days where >50% of trending search terms will be on mobile

  3. Mobiles role in driving people into stores will be proven and it will blow us away

  4. Mobile driven spend will emerge as a big category

  5. Smartphones will prove exceptional at driving a new consumer behavior

  6. Tablets will take their place as the 4th screen

  7. New industry standards will make mobile display easy to run

  8. 5 new, mobile first companies will reach the Angry Birds level of success

  9. The ROI on mobile and tablet advertising will increase as a result of the unmatched relevance of proximity

  10. The intersection of mobile and social will spark a dramatic new form of engaging consumers

  11. 80% of the largest 2,000 websites globally will have an HTML5 site

  12. One million small businesses globally will build a mobile website

I could go on and on, feeding you more statistics but instead I will let you check them out directly from Googles report here.

About the Author:
Rene is the marketing manager of - a global search engine marketing company. He also leads the marketing for - a web 2.0 style community for online and digital marketers. Rene has been in the industry since 1997 with much of that time spent helping businesses embrace the best of the internet and digital world.