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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

75% of Advertising Campaigns are a Failure

Webrageous shares insight into recent studies which reveal that 3 out of every 4 online advertisers fail to make a mark online.

Online Marketing Frauds in 2012 Uncovered by Webrageous
Quote startThe cost of outsourcing online advertising management to Webrageous is incomparable with the returns clients see on their advertising and boost in conversions.Quote end

Reno, Nevada June 18, 2012

Recent research undertaken by pay per click management company, Webrageous, proves that only a quarter of the many businesses that decide to advertise online are actually achieving online success and boosting conversions.

Studies conducted by Webrageous can confirm that of all the advertisers who market their products or services online 75% of them will fail. These studies also reveal that online advertising campaigns fail when not managed by a professional online marketing specialist.

Webrageous' studies have also revelaed that the reasons behind online advertising failure relate to poor bidding and budget management, namely high costs and low conversions thanks to poorly-structured ad groups.

As David Chapman, Director of Marketing at Webrageous, explains, many businesses run online advertising campaigns that are not managed byonline advertising specialists.

“Time and time again we see businesses that dump the management of their online advertising campaigns on one of their staff who has little or no knowledge at all of how to successfully run an online advertising campaign,” Mr. Chapman said.

“These businesses are seriously underestimating the importance of professionally managed campaigns and of online advertising in general.”

When it comes to pay per click advertising it has been suggested that the failure rates are even higher, with 75% of AdWords campaigns failing immediately because of a lack of understanding of how to structure ad groups, and 50% of the surviving campaigns are shut down within the first month.

“There is one thing that is very clear when looking at these figures and that is that the 25% of advertisers whose online advertising campaigns do not fail are run by people who have a strong understanding of the many complex facets of online advertising,” Mr. Chapman said.

“For those businesses that do not have someone of this caliber with this high level of knowledge working among their ranks should consider outsourcing management of their online advertising campaigns to someone who does.”

Unfortunately, many advertisers continue to make the same mistakes when advertising their products or services online. This can have disastrous consequences for their businesses.

As research agency Nielsen notes in a study conducted in April, 70% of global consumers now place their trust in online advertising, making it the second most trusted form of advertising after word-of-mouth. This is a market that advertisers cannot afford to miss out on.

Webrageous continues to see the following mistakes in the online advertising campaigns that fail:

1. The advertiser does not understand or has not read the relevant advertising rules for their industry. This sometimes results in advertisements that are actually illegal according to the advertising regulations. A disregard for the rules could see advertisers fined or their online advertising accounts suspended.

2. They fail to research their keywords and invest in keywords that are too broad or unfocused for the audience that they are targeting and they are continually outbid by their competition.

3. They link their advertisements to landing pages that are unrelated to what they were advertising or in some cases even to broken URLs. This leads to a chain result of advertisers spending money on clicks that are not turning into conversions. This increases their cost per conversion, making online advertising less than affordable for them.

4. They do not optimize their landing pages to maximize on SEO, making it difficult for potential customers to easily find what they are looking for and make a conversion. Sometimes their conversion path is too confusing and so potential customers get frustrated, leaving the conversion path altogether.

5. At Webrageous we often see advertisers who attempt to advertise on Google AdWords without the proper knowledge of what it takes to master the leader of pay per click advertising. In many cases we see that those who attempt Google AdWords have not even taken the time to read the rules or regulations or learn about the numerous tools and features that Google AdWords has to offer.

6. They fail to optimize their advertisement text, losing out on custom who may otherwise have been interested in what they were offering, and affecting their Quality Score, which in turn affects their ranking on the search engines.

“These are just some of the costly mistakes that we at Webrageous believe are contributing to the 3 in 4 advertisers who fail at online advertising,” Mr. Chapman said.

“There is one common theme in the mistakes that we are seeing made by the majority of online advertisers and that is a lack of management of their campaigns. At Webrageous we take away all of these challenges by offering management of online advertising campaigns by qualified and highly experienced managers.”

Webrageous has more than 10 years’ experience managing online advertising campaigns for our clients. We also have particular experience in managing campaigns for small and medium businesses.

“In our time as a pay per click management firm we have had our fair share of SMBs coming to us with campaigns that are seriously failing and who are losing precious advertising dollars,” Mr. Chapman said. “We have been able to help them out of their money-losing situation through careful and focused online advertising management.”

All of the online advertising managers at Webrageous are qualified in Google AdWords and have years of experience managing clients’ campaigns. They also all hold Marketing degrees or higher.

As an expert in managing online advertising campaigns for SMBs, Webrageous can help any troubled advertisers or failing campaigns, whether they were self-managed or poorly managed by another pay per click marketing company.

“The cost of outsourcing online advertising management to Webrageous is incomparable with the returns clients see on their advertising and boost in conversions,” Mr. Chapman said.

For more information on the services that Webrageous offers, and how it is helping turn around failing online advertising campaigns, see our company website: Alternatively, you can arrange an interview with David Chapman by calling 530-553-4111.