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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

“How to Grow Your Email List into a Beast of a Profit Generator” Topic of Article from

“Find out how to grow your email list with Digital Marketer’s new Special Report,” suggested a recent online article.

Digital Marketer

Online marketing techniques from the experts at Digital Marketer

Quote startThe advice in “Double Your List” is broken down into ten best practices, each one focusing on increased conversion rates with the traffic that’s already visiting a website.Quote end

Austin, TX June 19, 2012

Learn how to grow your email list and you’ll be headed for business success, said an article from A higher number of email list subscribers will equal a higher amount of online sales. Unfortunately, there’s no easy source for more traffic, even though the article said that’s the most logical way of gaining more subscribers.

The science behind list building is difficult to decipher, said the article. Luckily, Digital Marketer has released a Special Report to show businesses how advantageous a good list can be, and how easy it is to add to it. “Double Your List: How to Double Your Subscribers without Doubling Your Traffic” is the recently published Special Report, and the article said it is changing the way Internet marketers approach their lists.

The advice in “Double Your List” is broken down into ten best practices, each one focusing on increased conversion rates with the traffic that’s already visiting a website. Businesses receive email list building tipsand suggestions for capturing attention and clicks. As a result, they’ll be able to establish a strong and reliable list and an overall boosted bottom line.

The ten pieces of marketing gold shared in the Special Report include blurry images that just scream to be viewed in focus. No one can resist the temptation to click on them and see what’s behind the blurriness, said the article. Also, “Double Your List” explains how Google-approved squeeze pages often have bad conversion rates, but helps marketers understand how to work within Google’s rules and still get better results.

On top of the best practices, the article said the most beneficial feature of the Special Report is the resource recommendations. Digital Marketer provides a list of reputable and reliable services and individual companies that can design and create mailing list opt-ins or banners, and maximize the effect of the best practices. The article said they are companies that Digital Marketer has used itself, or at least has proof of their work.

Digital Marketer releases Special Reports to help businesses and entrepreneurs gain insight and information on the trends, data, and strategies that can take them to the top of their industry. Through their training courses, strategic plans, blogs, newsletters, site reviews, and Special Reports like this one, Digital Marketer supercharges every single marketing campaign it touches. For more information, visit

In the constant struggle for increased conversions, the article said online marketers are constantly searching for better methods of attracting email list subscribers. Conversions can be a strong indicator of the overall health of a business. If email lists are not as big as they could be, “Double Your List” will show marketers how to grow their email list and produce better online authority, and ultimately better profits.