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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

How to Build Your Email List into a Conversion Machine Shared in Article

How to build your email list with the guaranteed strategies behind Digital Marketer's "Double Your List" Special Report.

Digital Marketer

Online marketing techniques from the experts at Digital Marketer

Quote startDigital Marketer has done the research and determined what will work and what won’t. With that information, a mailing list strategy is able to flourish and resources can be spent in other categories.Quote end

Austin, TX June 05, 2012

“Do you want to know how to build your email list to effectively improve conversion rates?” asked today’s article. Every marketer in the world knows the value behind a big mailing list, but how can it be done without expending all their resources?

Email lists can always use some improvement, said the article. But if marketers had access to ten best practices that are proven to increase opt-ins and bump up the bottom line, they’d jump at the opportunity. They’re in luck, because that’s exactly what Digital Marketer is offering in its new Special Report, “Double Your List: How to Double Your Subscribers without Doubling Your Traffic.”

The driving force of marketing strategies is often focused on developing an email list. That is where a legion of loyal followers looks for the content and offers that a business specializes in, said the article; it is a powerful way to attract attention to what they do best.

The Special Report shows marketers how to build email lists organically, without having to increase the amount of traffic that visits their site. All things considered, this is some of the most valuable information that a marketer could ever soak up.

“Double Your List” features the latest tactics that have been tested with live web traffic and promise increased conversions. The tips include creating effective squeeze pages, designing unbeatable opt-in forms, and cashing in on lead magnets that direct more subscribers to a list.

The article said the right way to approach email lists is to focus on compelling content that encourages conversion rates. “Double Your List” offers the type of information that the general public (including most marketers) has no clue about. Wising up to these techniques will keep businesses ahead of the competition, said the article.

Digital Marketer releases Special Reports to help businesses and entrepreneurs gain insight and information on the trends, data, and strategies that can take them to the top of their industry. Through their training courses, strategic plans, blogs, newsletters, site reviews, and Special Reports like this one, Digital Marketer supercharges every single marketing campaign it touches. For more information, visit

“Why bother winging it and trying improvised variable adjustments, when the risk of decreasing conversions is just as likely?” asked the article. Digital Marketer has done the research and determined what will work and what won’t. With that information, a mailing list strategy is able to flourish and resources can be spent in other categories. Finding out how to build your email list is one of the best skills that can be brought to the marketing table, and the online article said it’s easy with “Double Your List.”