Tuesday, February 19, 2013
A Picture Is Worth 86,592 Characters
Once you have created a social presence, it's time to decide what types of content you want to share with your following. As you consider this question, remember that your potential customers are drinking from a firehose of information every day, and your content needs to capture attention, quickly share your message and motivate some kind of action.
In the social sphere, what type of content is the most effective at doing all three? Without question, images.
In Facebook posts it's too easy to get wordy. (Facebook won't even give you a warning until you hit 63,206 characters. Feel free to try it.) But even if you wrote the next great American novel, images still dominate interactions with 37 percent more engagement than text alone, and over twice that of links. What does this mean for fan pages? Use an image in every possible post.
For example, when sharing a link to your promotion, use an image and link combo instead of sharing just the link. This will double your Edgerank and garner more attention in the news feed.
Post with Link and Text
Post with Image, Link and Text
Facebook is not alone. Even though it appears images would not be effective on Twitter, they are. As mentioned in last week's blog post, tweets that include a photo receive twice the engagement of tweets with text alone. So when you are composing a clever tweet, consider adding a photo to the mix.
Finally, nothing shows the power of images more than the incredible growth of two visual social networks: Pinterest and Instagram. In 2012, Pinterest experienced 1047 percent unique visitor grown. Instagram grew over 200 percent and now handles over 40 million photo uploads per day. Obviously, Pinterest and Instagram are not the only ways to share images, but they are a powerful sign that the social web craves quality visual content.
The trend toward images will only gain momentum. To stay relevant and stand out to potential customers, it is important that you consider powerful, high-quality images in your social marketing strategy.
Want help developing a visual content strategy for your audience? Sign up for a GroSocial Kickstart Package. Through one-on-one training sessions, our social marketing specialists will help you develop a social strategy tailored to your business and industry.
In the social sphere, what type of content is the most effective at doing all three? Without question, images.
In Facebook posts it's too easy to get wordy. (Facebook won't even give you a warning until you hit 63,206 characters. Feel free to try it.) But even if you wrote the next great American novel, images still dominate interactions with 37 percent more engagement than text alone, and over twice that of links. What does this mean for fan pages? Use an image in every possible post.
For example, when sharing a link to your promotion, use an image and link combo instead of sharing just the link. This will double your Edgerank and garner more attention in the news feed.
Post with Link and Text
Post with Image, Link and Text
Facebook is not alone. Even though it appears images would not be effective on Twitter, they are. As mentioned in last week's blog post, tweets that include a photo receive twice the engagement of tweets with text alone. So when you are composing a clever tweet, consider adding a photo to the mix.
Finally, nothing shows the power of images more than the incredible growth of two visual social networks: Pinterest and Instagram. In 2012, Pinterest experienced 1047 percent unique visitor grown. Instagram grew over 200 percent and now handles over 40 million photo uploads per day. Obviously, Pinterest and Instagram are not the only ways to share images, but they are a powerful sign that the social web craves quality visual content.
The trend toward images will only gain momentum. To stay relevant and stand out to potential customers, it is important that you consider powerful, high-quality images in your social marketing strategy.
Want help developing a visual content strategy for your audience? Sign up for a GroSocial Kickstart Package. Through one-on-one training sessions, our social marketing specialists will help you develop a social strategy tailored to your business and industry.
Tab Editor Tutorial
Last week we released a tutorial video that goes over the basics of the GroSocial tab editor. If you are new to GroSocial, check it out. As always, if you have additional questions, feel free to contact our support team via live chat or support@grosocial.com.
Last week we released a tutorial video that goes over the basics of the GroSocial tab editor. If you are new to GroSocial, check it out. As always, if you have additional questions, feel free to contact our support team via live chat or support@grosocial.com.
To your social marketing success!
The GroSocial Team
The GroSocial Team