Drupal Watchdog Magazine, Security Issue Available August 2012
Drupal Watchdog is the only print magazine focused entirely on Drupal. Our next issue focuses on Drupal Security and will be widely available in August.
Drupal Watchdog August 2012, Drupal Security
July 24, 2012
While past issues of Drupal Watchdog have focused on the then-brand-new release of Drupal 7, support for mobile devices, Drupal design, and theming — this issue tackles the all-important role of security.
“You will be hacked!” proclaims Károly "ChX" Négyesi, kicking off our feature articles with an exploration of what you can do to minimize risk.
Look in the mirror and ask your reflection: Are You A Gazelle Or A Bank? In his article of that title, Drupal’s security expert, Greg “he wrote the book” Knaddison helps you decide.
And do not miss Angie “webchick” Byron’s in-depth preview of Drupal 8 — along with the many other great, useful articles on Drupal and security. Titles include, "Behat and Mink", "Drupal and Secure Single Sign-on", "Using Apache and SELinux Together", "Daemon and Process Isolation", "Multi-Factor Authentication", "Securing Drupal Means Securing Your Environment", "Enterprise Drupal Application Scaling", "Drupal Functions for Sanitizing User Input", "Fired Any Customers Lately?", "The Angry Themer", "Designing a Mobile Drupal", and "Large Scale Drupal".
View the complete table of contents at
What is Drupal?
Drupal is an open source content management platform with a community of over 16,000 registered developers and over 885,000 members around the world in 228 countries, speaking 181 languages - all using, with over 15,000 modules and 4,000 code changes per week on the Drupal project. Drupal powers millions of websites and software applications, from personal blogs to the largest enterprise applications, media publishers, universities, and governments agencies including and
About Tag1 Consulting
Tag1 Consulting is a high-performance high-availability consultancy. We provide expert insight into configuration management, performance, availability, disaster recovery, infrastructure management, and Drupal development services. Our strengths lie in creating infrastructure for large-scale Drupal installations, as well as performance tuning systems, and code. Our clients range from governments and large corporations to not-for-profits and new/growing startups. We have a global team with experience architecting and optimizing the LAMP stack and Drupal websites. We even train clients in how we do what we do.