Online Game Enduroo Offers a Cure for Business Meeting Misery
The social game for people who hate meetings.
Wilton, CT July 24, 2012
A new social game released this month may cause cubicle dwellers as well as remote and home office workers to become addicted to online meetings and conference calls. The game is called Enduroo. The object of the game is to predict the precise duration (in hours/minutes/seconds) of any conference call or meeting before it begins. The player whose prediction comes closest to the actual meeting duration wins.
“Enduroo is a game of skill, not luck,” explains the game’s creator, Gary Hirsch. “Those players who can guide the meeting discussion to end precisely when they want will become Enduroo champions.” To keep the playing field level, the official rules suggest, “Players should not include the meeting leader or most senior manager in the meeting.”
Enduroo is now in open beta. No registration is required to play. Before a call or meeting starts, anyone can initiate a game at the website. Other players receive a link by email to join the game. Each player then enters his target meeting duration in hours, minutes and seconds. Players don’t see the durations entered by others until the meeting ends. The player who initiates the game gets to start the official meeting clock, which all players can monitor throughout the meeting.
Hirsch says he came up with Enduroo after countless excruciating business meetings with friends in companies of all sizes. “Enduroo is a game for people who like their co-workers but don’t like wasting time in meetings,” said Hirsch. “This kind of unauthorized gamification may not be an immediate hit with industry,” he quipped. “But I suspect Enduroo may have the ironic impact of making meetings more efficient. In any case, it will make meetings a little more tolerable.”
About Enduroo
Enduroo – The Social Game for People Who Hate Meetings is owned and operated by Echo Mine LLC, a private company in Wilton, Connecticut. Enduroo is a trademark of Echo Mine LLC.